
This module ports the already existing modules Particle Insertion Core and Particle Insertion Hydration from the LAMMPS scripting language to Python. It allows to apply the method described in those modules to a larger variety of systems. Additionally it also generalizes the method, thereby allowing use of different forcefields.

Purpose of module

This module performs particle insertion/deletion of any type of particle in dilute or dense conditions in a variety of thermodynamic ensembles via a novel perturbative approach using LAMMPS and PyLammps, a python interface to LAMMPS. This will be extended to other MD engines such as GROMACS at a later stage.

This type of alchemical insertion and deletion is useful in a whole host of situations, where one would like to compute the free energy changes associated with adding or removing particle/molecule from a complex. Common applications would include:

  • Computing the binding energy of ligands to proteins
  • Computing the binding energy of protein-protein complexes
  • Computing the free energy change associated with increasing or decreasing solvent ( hydration/dehydration )
  • Computing the free energy change associated with mixing solvents

The main advantage of this type of alchemical free energy calculation is that it does not use soft-core potential as many of the approaches to date do. As such, there are less alchemical pathways to compute as the electrostatic and VdW interactions can be switched along with all other types of interactions. This results in being able to compute the free free energy differences faster with less simulation time. The other main advatange is that due to the mathematical form of rescaling used, the singularity of insertion can be avoided.

Background Information

Please see PIhydration background information. The only difference in this module is that the functional form of the scaling parameter lambda can be chosen freely by the user.

Usage instructions


For this module a custom fork of lammps is required. You can obtain it from here. Clone the repository and follow the standard lammps installation procedure. This fork extends lammp’s python interface to provide some important additional functionality. The module will not work with just the standard lammps installation.

Additionally you also need pymbar and numpy if you wish to compute free energies using mbar. You may install this through conda or pip.

# conda
conda install -c omnia pymbar
conda install numpy
# pip
pip install pymbar numpy

Using python with lammps

A LAMMPS simulation can use python (and this module) in one of two ways:

  • Using python to wrap lammps through the its library interface or using one of the provided wrappers. This then allows for a python script to create one or more instance of LAMMPS and launch simulations.
  • Calling python from a lammps input script using an embedded interpreter. For more details see here.

This module can be used both ways but when using the embedded interpreter, care must be taken to ensure that your python script/module can be found on the search path for imports. The interactive version of Python will add the current directory to the search path for convenience but this is not done automatically when embedded.

Using this module

The implementation in this module includes:

  • An InsertionManager class for encapsulating all the information regarding coordinates and topology for the system of particles to be inserted or deleted. Instances of this class can be used to store templates of molecules. Which can then be used to repeatedly insert particles. This class also provides some basic functionality to change coordinates and topology of the system to be inserted. It is by no means fully comprehensive and it is usually just easier to create a new data file if there are drastic changes to be made.
  • Functions insert and delete, which operate on instances of the InsertionManager class. As their name implies, they perform the insertion and deletion of particles into another system.
  • A utility class and function named MbarWriter and compute_mbar_fe which allow for computing free energies of insertion and deletion using MBAR. This uses choderalab’s pymbar implementation.

Setting up the simulation

Before running a simulations you must ensure that your lammps simulation has allocated enough space for all the types in your existing system plus the types in the system to be inserted or deleted. If you already have a data file this is most eaisly done using the extras/<interaction_name>/types argument of the read_data command when you use it for the first time.

Note: If the system you are inserting contains interactions that are not present in the original system you also need to use the extras/<interaction_name>/per/atom argument of the read_data command to leave space for for the number of interactions per atom. Consult the read_data documentation for more information.

Once you have your system setup you can begin to use this module by importing the pyinsertion module in your python code. This contains the top level classes and functions that perform insertion and deletion of particles.

Inserting particles

To start, you require two files for corresponding to the system of particles to be inserted.

  1. A file that contains the coordinates and topology of of the system. This file should be in a format that Lammps’s read_data command can accept. However this file should not contain any force-field information, such as pair_coeffcients, despite the fact that including such information is perfectly legal according to the read_data command.
  2. The force-field information for the system to be inserted should be in a separate file, the format of which is described below.
    • Comments begin with the ‘#’ character. They may appear at the start of a line or at the end of a line.
    • The file must contain one or more force-field sections corresponding to standard interaction types (like pairs,angles,dihedrals,bonds,impropers).
    • A section begins by enclosing its name in square brackets, like so [pair].
    • This must be immediately followed on the next line by the keyword style: and then the style of the interaction along with any global arguments they require. Any valid Lammps interaction style can be used expect for the style hybrid. Currently hydrid styles are not supported by this module.
    • The next line must contain the keyword indices: followed by a list of integers which correspond to the interaction coefficients that will be perturbed beginning with zero. For example, indices: 1 2 will instruct the program to scale the second and third coefficient but leave the first coefficient unchanged. This is useful in situations like bond interaction where one would typically like to scale the strength of the bond but leave the equilibrium distance unchanged.
    • Finally, one or more lines of coefficient data in the form type_id one or more args corresponding to the specified style. Type ids must begin at with 1.
    • A section is ended with a single newline.
    • Sections can be in any order.

An example of a simple force-field file is shown below.

# Final force-field coefficients for inserted particles
style: lj/cut 1.0 1.0
indices:    0 1
#     type       eps        sigma        rcut
        1        1.0        1.0          5
        2        0.5        1.2          5

These two files along with a pointer to an active lammps instance are required by the constructor of the InsertionManager class which which is the main class of interest for insertions. In addition to these three mandatory arguments, there number of optional arguments you can specify to the constructor, such as list of $\lambda$ values to use for scaling the interaction coefficients. There are many other such optional arguments. See the code documentation for a full description of all the parameters.

Once you have an instance of the InsertionManager class you can perform the actual insertion by calling it’s insert member function. This requires two parameters. The length of the relaxation period in timesteps and the number of samples required from each $\lambda$ value.

The output from this is by default just the potential energy data at each $\lambda$ point but can be changed to include any Lammps thermo-style variables. This can be achieved by passing a string or a list of strings to the output_style keyword of the insert function. The data is written out to a file named mbar.dat by default but can be changed by using the outfile keyword of the insert function. It is written in a format that can be eaisly used with the pymbar a python implementation of the multistate Bennett acceptance ratio.

Deleting particles

Deleting particles is much the same as inserting particles. In fact, the deletion procedure mathematically is just the inverse of the insertion approach. The same method detailed above for insertion can be used. The only change is to specify the $\lambda$ values in descending order. Thus, the delete member function is just a thinly veiled wrapper of the insert function with some additional error checking. It takes the exact same parameters as the insert function.


The examples link to a collection of ipython-notebook which go through some “toy” examples. These attempt to explain the functionality of this module in a practicle way.

Source Code

Module Source Code

However, please note that the source code is currently under embargo until associated works are published, if you would like to be obtain a copy of the code, please contact Dr. Donal MacKernan at donal.mackernan@ucd.ie