Using SIONlib (parallel I/O library) to write/read HISTORY files in DL_MESO_DPD¶
Purpose of Module¶
This module proposes to use the SIONlib library to write/read the trajectory (HISTORY)
files in DL_MESO_DPD, the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code from the
DL_MESO package. In the last release (2.6, dating November 2015),
the MPI version of DL_MESO_DPD generates multiple trajectory files, one for
each MPI task. The use of SIONlib allows to minimally modify the writing so that just one
physical file (history.sion) is produced.
An analogous modification has to be implemented in the post-processing
utilities that read the HISTORY files. As an example, here the modifications
are implemented for one specific utility, format_history_sion.f90
, a
formatting tool analogous to format_history.f90
(see Formatting the HISTORY files of DL_MESO_DPD).
Beside showing how to adapt the reading, this allows a robust check
of the implementation, since the output is human readable, contains the full
trajectories, and can be readily compared with that obtained using format_history.f90
with the standard version of DL_MESO_DPD.
Notice that the next released version of DL_MESO_DPD (in development) will tackle the writing of files differently, producing a single trajectory file from the start. However, the interface proposed here provides this feature to the users of version 2.6, and represents an alternative solution for the handling of the trajectories.
The implementation presented here is meant to show the feasibility of the interfacing, not to deal with all the possible cases. We therefore restrict in this module to the relevant case in which: i) the simulation is run in parallel using MPI, ii) a single SIONlib-type physical file is produced, and iii) the post-processing is done by a single process.
Finally, we would like to underline that, while SIONlib is optimized for a large number of MPI tasks, the reduction from several output files to just one is in any case a benefit, for example when it comes to the maintenance of the simulation output.
Background Information¶
The base code for this module is DL_MESO_DPD, the Dissipative Particle Dynamics code from the mesoscopic simulation package DL_MESO, developed by M. Seaton at Daresbury Laboratory. This open source code is available from STFC under both academic (free) and commercial (paid) licenses. The module is to be used with DL_MESO in its last released version, version 2.6 (dating November 2015).
The present module requires the SIONlib library to be installed. Its last released version is number 1.7.1 (dating November 2016).
The version of DL_MESO_DPD including SIONlib (see below) is compiled using the
corresponding makefile (Makefile-MPI
Two pre-processing flags can be used when compiling:
, to print information for any SIONlib-related action, and
, to recover the standard printing of trajectories as HISTORY* files.
The utility format_history_sion.f90
is compiled with the available
Fortran90+MPI compiler, and using appropriate flags for the SIONlib library, e.g:
mpifort -c -cpp format_history_sion.f90 `/home/user/sionlib/bin/sionconfig --cflags --f77 --mpi --threadsafe --64`
mpifort -o format_history_sion.exe format_history_sion.o `/home/user/sionlib/bin/sionconfig --libs --f77 --mpi --threadsafe --64`
and the executable must be in the same directory of the history.sion file.
It is assumed that SIONlib has been installed in the /home/user/sionlib/
directory, where of course the user name has to be adapted.
If the pre-processing flag -D DEBUG
is used when compiling, the result of each read
statement is printed to the standard output and an eventual mismatch in the
number of read elements is signaled.
To test the writing/reading of the trajectories, the user can choose any
simulation run using DL_MESO_DPD, then analyze the trajectories with both
(which reads standard DL_MESO_DPD binary HISTORY*
files) and format_history_sion.f90
(which reads the SIONlib-type history.sion file):
the formatted files so obtained, HISTORY*-F and sion*-F, respectively, should coincide.
However, for completeness, we provide the input files for a possible test: the CONTROL file
Simple test
vol 1000.0
temperature 1.0
cutoff 1.0
timestep 0.01
steps 1000
equilibration steps 0
traj 0 100 0
stats every 100
stack size 100
print every 100
job time 1000.0
close time 10.0
ensemble nvt mdvv
nfold 1 1 1
global bonds
and the FIELD file
Simple example
A 1.0 0.0 0
B 1.0 0.0 0
nummols 1500
beads 2
A 0.0 0.0 0.0
B 0.1 0.0 0.0
bonds 1
harm 1 2 10.0 0.0
A A dpd 25.0 1.0 4.0
B B dpd 25.0 1.0 4.0
Source Code¶
A number of DL_MESO_DPD modules have to be slightly modified to use SIONlib when
writing the trajectories, namely: variables.f90
, constants.f90
, dlmesodpd.f90
, error_module.f90
and the
. As an example of the post-processing of a SIONlib-type
trajectory, we provide the formatting utility format_history_sion.f90
analogous to format_history.f90
(see Formatting the HISTORY files of DL_MESO_DPD):
it reads the SIONlib trajectory file (history.sion) and produces multiple formatted
trajectory files (sion*-F).
In the following we give the needed changes in the form of patches [1]: in the git diff, a is the branch with the standard version (version 2.6, revision 15 [2]), b the SIONlib one.
The patch for Makefile-MPI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | diff --git a/Makefile-MPI b/Makefile-MPI
index 462de59..0078f94 100644
--- a/Makefile-MPI
+++ b/Makefile-MPI
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
MF= Makefile
+SCFLAGS = `/home/user/sionlib/bin/sionconfig --cflags --f77 --mpi --threadsafe --64`
+SLFLAGS = `/home/user/sionlib/bin/sionconfig --libs --f77 --mpi --threadsafe --64`
FC= mpifort
+FFLAGS= -O3 -cpp
-EXE= dpd.exe
+EXE= dpd-MPI-sion.exe
@@ -38,12 +41,12 @@ SRC= \
OBJ= $(SRC:.f90=.o)
- $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $<
+ $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $< $(SCFLAGS)
all: $(EXE)
$(EXE): $(OBJ)
- $(FC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ)
+ $(FC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(SLFLAGS)
$(OBJ): $(MF)
The patch for variables.f90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | diff --git a/variables.f90 b/variables.f90
index 3aef25a..3f6a109 100644
--- a/variables.f90
+++ b/variables.f90
@@ -326,4 +326,18 @@ MODULE variables
! Allocated in config_module.f90
REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, TARGET :: commsinbuf(:,:), commsoutbuf(:,:)
+! variables needed by SIONlib
+ INTEGER*8 sierr
+ CHARACTER(len=255) :: filename
+ CHARACTER(len=255) :: newfname
+ INTEGER:: nfiles
+ INTEGER:: gComm, lComm, sid
+ INTEGER:: fsblksize
+ INTEGER*8 :: chunksize
+ INTEGER*8 :: size, nelem
+ INTEGER :: seof
+ INTEGER :: buffer_i(6)
+ REAL(KIND=dp) :: buffer_r(10)
+ CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: buffer_c
The patch for constants.f90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | diff --git a/constants.f90 b/constants.f90
index 65bbee4..82c2641 100644
--- a/constants.f90
+++ b/constants.f90
@@ -13,5 +13,7 @@ MODULE constants
REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER :: fkt=2.0_dp/3.0_dp
REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER :: rt12=3.464101615377546_dp
REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER :: langepsilon=1.0e-6_dp
+! for SIONlib
+ INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nsion = 13
The patch for dlmesodpd.f90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | diff --git a/dlmesodpd.f90 b/dlmesodpd.f90
index 062c26c..90600f2 100644
--- a/dlmesodpd.f90
+++ b/dlmesodpd.f90
@@ -189,8 +189,15 @@ PROGRAM dlmesodpd
! close files, deallocate arrays and close down MPI
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
IF (ltraj) CLOSE (nhist)
+!!! SIONlib 3: close SIONlib file
+ IF (ltraj) call fsion_parclose_mpi(sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ WRITE (nprint, *) "sierr=", sierr , "on idnode=", idnode
CALL free_memory
IF (.NOT. l_scr) CLOSE (nprint)
CALL exitcomms ()
The patch for error_module.f90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | diff --git a/error_module.f90 b/error_module.f90
index cb19b28..f8c3c3b 100644
--- a/error_module.f90
+++ b/error_module.f90
@@ -589,6 +589,11 @@ CONTAINS
CASE (1198)
WRITE (nprint,"(/,1x,'error: deallocation failure in field_module -> plcfor_stoyanov')")
+! sionlib
+ CASE (1500)
+ WRITE (nprint,"(/,1x,'error: this version (using sionlib) does not support restart')")
+ CASE (1501)
+ WRITE (nprint,"(/,1x,'error: problem in writing SIONfile, mismatched number of items',i10)") value
WRITE (nprint,"(/,1x,'error: undefined error code found')")
@@ -605,7 +610,12 @@ CONTAINS
! close all i/o channels
IF (idnode==0) CLOSE (nprint)
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
CLOSE (nhist)
+!!! SIONlib: close file
+ IF (ltraj) call fsion_parclose_mpi(sid,sierr)
IF (idnode==0) CLOSE (nsave)
! shut down MPI and stop program
The patch for start_module.f90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 | diff --git a/start_module.f90 b/start_module.f90
index a7f0233..81c3b24 100644
--- a/start_module.f90
+++ b/start_module.f90
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ CONTAINS
INTEGER :: fail (4)
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: localmolmap(:)
+! SIONlib 0: set sionlib filename
+ filename = 'history.sion'
! set restart filename
WRITE (chan, '(i6.6)') idnode
@@ -296,6 +299,10 @@ CONTAINS
IF (nstep>0) THEN
+!!! SIONlib 1a: give error for resart
+ CALL error (idnode, 1500, 1)
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
IF (nodes>1) THEN
OPEN (nhist, file='HISTORY'//chan, access = 'sequential', form = 'unformatted', status = 'unknown',&
& position = 'append')
@@ -303,45 +310,184 @@ CONTAINS
OPEN (nhist, file='HISTORY', access = 'sequential', form = 'unformatted', status = 'unknown',&
& position = 'append')
+!!! SIONlib 1b: define and open
+ gcomm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
+ lcomm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
+ fsblksize = -1
+ chunksize = 100
+ nfiles = 1
+ call fsion_paropen_mpi(trim(filename),'bw',nfiles, gComm,lComm, &
+ chunksize,fsblksize,idnode,newfname,sid)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ WRITE (6,*) "opened sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; sid=",sid
+ WRITE (6,*) "input chunksize (if needed, will be internally corrected)=", chunksize, "; fsblksize=", fsblksize
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
IF (nodes>1) THEN
OPEN (nhist, file='HISTORY'//chan, access = 'sequential', form = 'unformatted', status = 'unknown')
OPEN (nhist, file='HISTORY', access = 'sequential', form = 'unformatted', status = 'unknown')
IF (lgbnd .AND. idnode>0) THEN
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) nspe, nmoldef, nusyst, nsyst, nbeads, 0
+!!! SIONlib 2a: write into SION file
+ nelem=6
+ size=4
+ buffer_i (1:6) = (/ nspe, nmoldef, nusyst, nsyst, nbeads, 0 /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "a written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) nspe, nmoldef, nusyst, nsyst, nbeads, nbonds
+!!! SIONlib 2b: write into SION file
+ nelem=6
+ size=4
+ buffer_i (1:6) = (/ nspe, nmoldef, nusyst, nsyst, nbeads, nbonds /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "b written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) dimx, dimy, dimz, volm
+!!! SIONlib 2c: write into SION file
+ nelem=4
+ size=8
+ buffer_r (1:4) = (/ dimx, dimy, dimz, volm /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "c written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) keytrj, srftype*srfx, srftype*srfy, srftype*srfz
+!!! SIONlib 2d: write into SION file
+ nelem=4
+ size=4
+ buffer_i (1:4) = (/ keytrj, srftype*srfx, srftype*srfy, srftype*srfz /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "d written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
! write species information
DO i = 1, nspe
k = (i * (i + 1)) / 2
SELECT CASE (ktype (k))
CASE (0:2)
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) namspe (i), amass (i), vvv (2, k), lfrzn (i)
+!!! SIONlib 2e: write into SION file
+ nelem=1
+ size=8
+ buffer_c = namspe (i)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_c,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "e1 written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
+ nelem=2
+ size=8
+ buffer_r (1:2) = (/ amass (i), vvv (2, k) /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "e2 written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
+ nelem=1
+ size=4
+ buffer_i (1) = lfrzn (i)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "e3 written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
CASE (3)
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) namspe (i), amass (i), vvv (6, k), lfrzn (i)
+!!! SIONlib 2f: write into SION file
+ nelem=1
+ size=8
+ buffer_c = namspe (i)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_c,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "f1 written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
+ nelem=2
+ size=8
+ buffer_r (1:2) = (/ amass (i), vvv (6, k) /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "f2 written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
+ nelem=1
+ size=4
+ buffer_i (1) = lfrzn (i)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "f3 written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
! write molecule names
IF (nmoldef>0) THEN
DO i = 1, nmoldef
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) nammol (i)
+!!! SIONlib 2g: write into SION file
+ nelem=1
+ size=8
+ buffer_c = nammol (i)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_c,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "g written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
! write name of calculation
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) text
+!!! SIONlib 2h: write into SION file
+ nelem=1
+ size=80
+ call fsion_write(text,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "h written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
! create map of local bead numbers to molecule numbers
ALLOCATE (localmolmap (nbeads), STAT=fail(1))
@@ -351,7 +497,19 @@ CONTAINS
! write bead information (including molecule numbers)
DO i = 1, nbeads
imol = localmolmap(i)
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) lab (i), ltp (i), ltm (i), imol
+!!! SIONlib 2i: write into SION file
+ nelem=4
+ size=4
+ buffer_i (1:4) = (/ lab (i), ltp (i), ltm (i), imol /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "i written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
DEALLOCATE (localmolmap, STAT=fail(1))
@@ -360,7 +518,19 @@ CONTAINS
! write bonds between beads
IF (nbonds>0 .AND. ((.NOT. lgbnd) .OR. idnode==0)) THEN
DO j = 1, nbonds
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) bndtbl (j, 1), bndtbl (j, 2)
+!!! SIONlib 2j: write into SION file
+ nelem=2
+ size=4
+ buffer_i (1:2) = (/ bndtbl (j, 1), bndtbl (j, 2) /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "j written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
These changes only affect one subroutine (start
) within the start_module.f90
The user can either implement the changes shown above, or replace the
second part of the subroutine start
with the file provided
(downloadable version of the second part of subroutine start
The patch for statistics_module.f90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 | diff --git a/statistics_module.f90 b/statistics_module.f90
index e2d5e79..e283d16 100644
--- a/statistics_module.f90
+++ b/statistics_module.f90
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ MODULE statistics_module
USE constants
USE variables
+ USE error_module
@@ -621,41 +622,103 @@ CONTAINS
REAL(KIND=dp) :: time
! write out data
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) time, REAL (nbeads, KIND=dp), dimx, dimy, dimz, shrdx, shrdy, shrdz
+!!! SIONlib 2k: write into SION file
+ nelem=8
+ size=8
+ buffer_r (1:8) = (/ time, REAL (nbeads, KIND=dp), dimx, dimy, dimz, shrdx, shrdy, shrdz /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "k written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
SELECT CASE (keytrj)
CASE (0)
! positions
DO i = 1, nbeads
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) REAL (lab(i), KIND=dp), xxx (i) + delx, yyy (i) + dely, zzz (i) + delz
+!!! SIONlib 2l: write into SION file
+ nelem=4
+ size=8
+ buffer_r (1:4) = (/ REAL (lab(i), KIND=dp), xxx (i) + delx, yyy (i) + dely, zzz (i) + delz /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "l written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
CASE (1)
! positions and velocities
DO i = 1, nbeads
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) REAL (lab(i), KIND=dp), xxx (i) + delx, yyy (i) + dely, zzz (i) + delz, &
&vxx (i), vyy (i), vzz (i)
+!!! SIONlib 2m: write into SION file
+ nelem=7
+ size=8
+ buffer_r (1:7) = (/ REAL (lab(i), KIND=dp), xxx (i) + delx, yyy (i) + dely, zzz (i) + delz, &
+ &vxx (i), vyy (i), vzz (i) /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "m written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
CASE (2)
! positions, velocities and forces
IF (itype==1) THEN
DO i = 1, nbeads
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) REAL (lab(i), KIND=dp), xxx (i) + delx, yyy (i) + dely, zzz (i) + delz, &
&vxx (i), vyy (i), vzz (i), (fxx(i)+fvx(i)), (fyy(i)+fvy(i)), (fzz(i)+fvz(i))
+!!! SIONlib 2n: write into SION file
+ nelem=10
+ size=8
+ buffer_r (1:10) = (/ REAL (lab(i), KIND=dp), xxx (i) + delx, yyy (i) + dely, zzz (i) + delz, &
+ &vxx (i), vyy (i), vzz (i), (fxx(i)+fvx(i)), (fyy(i)+fvy(i)), (fzz(i)+fvz(i)) /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "n written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
DO i = 1, nbeads
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
WRITE (nhist) REAL (lab(i), KIND=dp), xxx (i) + delx, yyy (i) + dely, zzz (i) + delz, &
&vxx (i), vyy (i), vzz (i), fxx (i), fyy (i), fzz (i)
+!!! SIONlib 2p: write into SION file
+ nelem=10
+ size=8
+ buffer_r (1:10) = (/ REAL (lab(i), KIND=dp), xxx (i) + delx, yyy (i) + dely, zzz (i) + delz, &
+ &vxx (i), vyy (i), vzz (i), fxx (i), fyy (i), fzz (i) /)
+ call fsion_write(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IF ( CALL error (idnode, 1501, INT (sierr - nelem))
+ WRITE (6,*) "p written in sionfile on node=",idnode ,"; # elements",sierr
! clear buffers in case of job failure
+#ifdef STDTRAJ
ENDFILE (nhist)
Also here the changes only affect one subroutine (histout
) within the statistics_module.f90
The user can either implement the changes shown above, or replace the
subroutine histout
with the file provided
(downloadable version of the subroutine histout
Finally, the formatting utility format_history_sion.f90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 | PROGRAM format_history_sion
! module to format dl_meso HISTORY files written using SIONlib library
! authors - m. a. seaton & s. chiacchiera, february 2017
! adapted to use SIONlib: march 2018
INCLUDE "mpif.h"
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ntraj=10,nuser=5
CHARACTER(80) :: text
CHARACTER(8), ALLOCATABLE :: namspe (:), nammol (:)
CHARACTER(6) :: chan
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ltp (:), ltm (:), mole (:), beads (:), bonds (:), bndtbl (:,:)
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: nbdmol (:), nbomol (:)
INTEGER :: chain, imol, ioerror, i, k, j, nmoldef, ibond
INTEGER :: nspe, nbeads, nusyst, nsyst, nbonds, global, species, molecule, numnodes, numbond
INTEGER :: nummol, lfrzn, rnmol, keytrj, srfx, srfy, srfz
INTEGER :: bead1, bead2
INTEGER :: nform
REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE :: nmol (:)
REAL(KIND=dp) :: volm, dimx, dimy, dimz, shrdx, shrdy, shrdz
REAL(KIND=dp) :: amass, rcii
REAL(KIND=dp) :: time, mbeads, mglobal, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz
LOGICAL :: eof, lcomm, lmcheck
! for SIONlib
CHARACTER*(*) :: fname, file_mode
INTEGER :: numfiles, ntasks, fsblksize, sid
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: globalranks (:)
INTEGER*8, ALLOCATABLE :: chunksizes (:)
INTEGER*8 :: chunksize_input
INTEGER*8 :: sierr
INTEGER :: nformsion
INTEGER*8 :: size, nelem
INTEGER :: buffer_i(6)
REAL(KIND=dp) :: buffer_r(10)
CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: buffer_c
INTEGER :: rank, chunknum
INTEGER*8 :: posinchunk
INTEGER :: seof
PARAMETER (fname = 'history.sion')
PARAMETER (file_mode= 'br')
! Switches for commenting and checking molecules
lcomm = .TRUE.
lmcheck = .TRUE.
! Get number of nodes
WRITE (*,*) "Number of nodes used in calculations ?"
READ (*,*) numnodes
! Get chunksize used to write
WRITE (*,*) "Chunksize used to write history.sion?"
READ (*,*) chunksize_input
ALLOCATE (beads (numnodes), bonds (numnodes))
! SIONlib: Determine if history.sion file exists
INQUIRE (file = fname, EXIST = eof)
IF (.NOT. eof) THEN
WRITE (*,*) "ERROR: cannot find history.sion file"
! SIONlib: serial open
numfiles = 1
fsblksize = -1
ALLOCATE (chunksizes (numnodes), globalranks (numnodes))
chunksizes (:) = -1
globalranks (:) = -1
call FSION_OPEN (fname, file_mode, ntasks, numfiles, &
chunksizes, fsblksize, globalranks, sid)
WRITE (6,*) "Number of tasks used to write is different from given! -", ntasks
! WRITE(6,*) "chunksizes=", chunksizes !not read as it should. Why?
WRITE(6,*) "fsblksize=", fsblksize
! WRITE(6,*) "globalranks=",globalranks !not read as it should. Why?
WRITE(6,*) "sid=", sid
! Set *by hand* the values of chunksizes and globalranks
DO j = 1, ntasks
globalranks (j) = j-1
chunksizes (j) = 0
DO WHILE (chunksizes (j) < chunksize_input)
chunksizes (j) = chunksizes (j) + fsblksize
WRITE(6,*) "(set by hand) chunksizes=", chunksizes
WRITE(6,*) "(set by hand) globalranks=", globalranks
! variables to track positions within the .sion file
ALLOCATE (pos_d (numnodes), chun_d (numnodes))
! Open the output files
nform = ntraj + numnodes
nformsion = nform + numnodes
DO j = 1, numnodes
IF (numnodes>1)THEN
WRITE (chan, '(i6.6)') j-1
OPEN (nformsion+j-1, file = 'sion'//chan//'-F', status = 'replace')
OPEN (nformsion+j-1, file = 'sion-F', status = 'replace')
! SIONlib: reading the header of history.sion
! Here the number of beads, molecules and bonds are determined
! Arrays are filled with names of particles and molecules
numbond = 0
DO j = 1, numnodes
seof = 0
call fsion_feof (sid, seof)
IF (seof /= 0) THEN
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "rank ", j-1, ": End of file !"
rank = j - 1
chunknum = 0
posinchunk = 0
CALL FSION_SEEK (sid, rank, chunknum, posinchunk, sierr)
! lines a and b
buffer_i (1:6) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(a/b) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_i=",buffer_i
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
IF (j==1) THEN
nspe = buffer_i (1)
nmoldef = buffer_i (2)
nusyst = buffer_i (3)
nsyst = buffer_i (4)
nbeads = buffer_i (5)
nbonds = buffer_i (6)
! line c
buffer_r (1:4) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(c) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_r(1:4)=",buffer_r(1:4)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
IF (j==1) THEN
dimx = buffer_r (1)
dimy = buffer_r (2)
dimz = buffer_r (3)
volm = buffer_r (4)
! line d
buffer_i (1:4) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(d) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_i(1:4)=",buffer_i(1:4)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
IF (j==1) THEN
keytrj = buffer_i (1)
srfx = buffer_i (2)
srfy = buffer_i (3)
srfz = buffer_i (4)
beads (j) = nbeads
bonds (j) = nbonds
numbond = numbond + nbonds
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# nspe, nmoldef, nusyst, nsyst, nbeads, nbonds"
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) nspe, nmoldef, nusyst, nsyst, nbeads, nbonds
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# dimx, dimy, dimz, volm"
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,97) dimx, dimy, dimz, volm
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# keytrj, srfx, srfy, srfz"
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) keytrj, srfx, srfy, srfz
chun_d (j) = chunknum
pos_d (j) = posinchunk
END DO ! end of loop over nodes
ALLOCATE (namspe (nspe), nammol (nmoldef))
IF (lmcheck) THEN
ALLOCATE (ltp (1:nsyst), ltm (1:nsyst), mole (1:nsyst))
ALLOCATE (nmol (1:nmoldef), nbdmol (1:nmoldef), nbomol (1:nmoldef))
ALLOCATE (bndtbl (numbond, 2))
DO j = 1, numnodes
rank = j - 1
chunknum = chun_d (j)
posinchunk = pos_d (j)
CALL FSION_SEEK (sid, rank, chunknum, posinchunk, sierr)
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# SPECIES:"
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# namspe, amass, rcii, lfrzn"
DO i = 1, nspe
! line e
nelem = 1
size = 8
buffer_c = ' '
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_c,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(e1) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_c=",buffer_c
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
IF (j==1) THEN
namspe (i) = buffer_c
buffer_r (1:2) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(e2) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_r (1:2)=",buffer_r (1:2)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
amass = buffer_r (1)
rcii = buffer_r (2)
buffer_i (1) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(e3) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_i (1)=",buffer_i (1)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
lfrzn = buffer_i (1)
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,96) namspe (i), amass, rcii, lfrzn
IF (nmoldef>0) THEN
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# MOLECULES:"
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# nammol"
DO i = 1, nmoldef
! line g
buffer_c = ' '
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_c,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
IF (j==1) THEN
nammol (i) = buffer_c
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(g) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_c=",buffer_c
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) nammol (i)
! line h
text = ' '
CALL FSION_READ(text,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(h) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": text=", text
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# Simulation name:"
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) text
IF (j==1) THEN
nummol = 0 !counter for number of molecules
ibond = 0 !counter for bonds
! Here one could close and open again the loop over nodes, as in the std
! version of the utility: in case, pos_d and chunk_d must be updated too
! fill in arrays for beads and bonds
rank = j - 1
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# BEADS:"
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# global, species, molecule, chain"
IF (lmcheck) THEN
!Build ltp, ltm, mole
DO i = 1, beads (j)
! line i
nelem = 4
buffer_i (1:4) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(i) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_i(1:4)=",buffer_i(1:4)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
global = buffer_i (1)
species = buffer_i (2)
molecule = buffer_i (3)
chain = buffer_i (4)
ltp (global) = species
ltm (global) = molecule
mole (global) = chain
nummol = MAX (nummol, chain)
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) global, species, molecule, chain
DO i = 1, beads (j)
! line i
nelem = 4
buffer_i (1:4) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(i) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_i(1:4)=",buffer_i(1:4)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
global = buffer_i (1)
species = buffer_i (2)
molecule = buffer_i (3)
chain = buffer_i (4)
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) global, species, molecule, chain
IF (bonds (j)>0) THEN
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# BONDS:"
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# extremes of the bond"
IF (lmcheck) THEN
! Build bndtbl
DO i = 1, bonds (j)
ibond = ibond + 1
! line j
buffer_i (1:2) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(j) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_i(1:2)=",buffer_i(1:2)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
bead1 = buffer_i (1)
bead2 = buffer_i (2)
bndtbl (ibond, 1) = bead1
bndtbl (ibond, 2) = bead2
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) bead1, bead2
DO i = 1, bonds (j)
! line j
buffer_i (1:2) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_i,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(j) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_i(1:2)=",buffer_i(1:2)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
CALL DETERMINE_POS (rank, nelem*size, chunknum, posinchunk)
bead1 = buffer_i (1)
bead2 = buffer_i (2)
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) bead1, bead2
chun_d (j) = chunknum
pos_d (j) = posinchunk
END DO ! over nodes
IF (lmcheck) THEN
! determine numbers of molecules, beads and bonds per molecule type
nmol = 0.0_dp
nbdmol = 0
nbomol = 0
chain = 0
imol = 0 !necessary to avoid out of bounds
DO i = 1, nsyst
IF (mole (i) /= chain) THEN
chain = mole (i)
imol = ltm (i)
nmol (imol) = nmol (imol) + 1.0_dp
IF (imol > 0) nbdmol (imol) = nbdmol (imol) + 1
DO i = 1, numbond
imol = ltm (bndtbl (i,1))
nbomol (imol) = nbomol (imol) + 1
DO i = 1, nmoldef
rnmol = NINT (nmol (i))
IF (rnmol>0) THEN
nbdmol (i) = nbdmol (i) / rnmol
nbomol (i) = nbomol (i) / rnmol
! Write to std output the arrays built
WRITE (*,*) "# Check of beads: i, ltp(i), ltm(i), mole(i)"
DO i = 1, nsyst
WRITE(*,*) i, ltp (i), ltm (i), mole (i)
!Check of molecule beads and numbers
IF (nmoldef>0) THEN
WRITE (*,*) "# Check of molecules: nammol(i), nbdmol(i), nbomol(i), nmol(i)"
DO i = 1, nmoldef
WRITE (*,*) nammol (i), nbdmol (i), nbomol (i), NINT(nmol(i))
WRITE (*,*) "# Total number of molecules = ",nummol
! Write to std output bndtbl
IF (numbond > 0) THEN
WRITE (*,*) "# Check of bonds: bndbtl(i,1), bndbtl(i,2)"
DO i = 1, numbond
WRITE (*,*) bndtbl (i,1), bndtbl (i,2)
!reading trajectories
DO j = 1, numnodes
seof = 0
k = 0
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# --- TRAJECTORIES --- (key =", keytrj,")"
SELECT CASE (keytrj)
CASE (0)
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# mglobal, x, y, z"
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# mglobal, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz"
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# mglobal, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz"
rank = j - 1
chunknum = chun_d (j)
posinchunk = pos_d (j)
CALL FSION_SEEK (sid, rank, chunknum, posinchunk, sierr)
DO WHILE (.true.)
call fsion_feof (sid, seof)
IF (seof /= 0) THEN
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "rank ", rank, ": End of file !"
IF (k==0) THEN
PRINT *, 'ERROR: cannot find trajectory data in history.sion file'
! line k
buffer_r (1:8) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(k) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_r(1:8)=",buffer_r(1:8)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
time = buffer_r (1)
mbeads = buffer_r (2)
dimx = buffer_r (3)
dimy = buffer_r (4)
dimz = buffer_r (5)
shrdx = buffer_r (6)
shrdy = buffer_r (7)
shrdz = buffer_r (8)
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# time, mbeads, dimx, dimy, dimz, shrdx, shrdy, shrdz"
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,98) time, mbeads, dimx, dimy, dimz, shrdx, shrdy, shrdz
k = k + 1
IF (lcomm) WRITE (nformsion+j-1,*) "# snapshot number:", k
nbeads = NINT (mbeads)
SELECT CASE (keytrj)
CASE (0)
DO i = 1, nbeads
! line l
buffer_r (1:4) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(l) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_r(1:4)=",buffer_r(1:4)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
mglobal = buffer_r (1)
x = buffer_r (2)
y = buffer_r (3)
z = buffer_r (4)
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,99) mglobal, x, y, z
CASE (1)
DO i = 1, nbeads
! line m
buffer_r (1:7) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(m) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_r(1:7)=",buffer_r(1:7)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
mglobal = buffer_r (1)
x = buffer_r (2)
y = buffer_r (3)
z = buffer_r (4)
vx = buffer_r (5)
vy = buffer_r (6)
vz = buffer_r (7)
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,99) mglobal, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz
CASE (2)
DO i = 1, nbeads
! line n and p
buffer_r (1:10) = 0
CALL FSION_READ(buffer_r,size,nelem,sid,sierr)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (6,*) "(l) in sion file, rank ", rank, ": buffer_r(1:10)=",buffer_r(1:10)
CALL READ_CHECK (sierr, nelem)
mglobal = buffer_r (1)
x = buffer_r (2)
y = buffer_r (3)
z = buffer_r (4)
vx = buffer_r (5)
vy = buffer_r (6)
vz = buffer_r (7)
fx = buffer_r (8)
fy = buffer_r (9)
fz = buffer_r (10)
WRITE (nformsion+j-1,99) mglobal, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz
! close the output files
DO j = 1, numnodes
CLOSE (nformsion+j-1)
! SIONlib serial close
call FSION_CLOSE (sid, sierr)
CLOSE (nformsion)
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE (*,*) "The final chunknumbers and positions within chunks are:"
WRITE (*,*) "chun_d=", chun_d
WRITE (*,*) "pos_d=", pos_d
DEALLOCATE (beads, bonds)
DEALLOCATE (namspe, nammol)
IF (lmcheck) DEALLOCATE (ltp, ltm, mole, nmol, nbdmol, bndtbl, nbomol)
! SIONlib related quantities
DEALLOCATE (chunksizes, globalranks, pos_d, chun_d)
99 FORMAT(f10.1,2x,1p,9(e13.6,3x))
98 FORMAT(8(f10.3,3x))
97 FORMAT(4(f10.3,3x))
96 FORMAT(A9,3x,2(f10.3,3x),I2)
SUBROUTINE DETERMINE_POS (rank, nbytes, chunk, pos)
! routine to determine the position in the .sion file at each write statement
! author - s. chiacchiera, march 2018
! It is assumed that each rank has its chunks numbered as 0, 1, etc
INTEGER*8, INTENT(IN) :: nbytes
INTEGER*8 :: pos_try
IF (nbytes > chunksizes (rank + 1)) THEN
WRITE (*,*) "error: too large record (hint: increase chunksize)"
pos_try = pos + nbytes
IF (pos_try <= chunksizes (rank + 1)) THEN
pos = pos_try
chunk = chunk + 1
pos = nbytes
! routine to signal eventual mismatch when reading the .sion file
! author - s. chiacchiera, march 2018
INTEGER*8, INTENT (IN) :: sierr, nelem
WRITE (6,*) "error: number of elements read differs from expected! mismatch is ", sierr-nelem
END PROGRAM format_history_sion
Additional information
Using the modifications proposed above, the trajectories will be written
by DL_MESO_DPD in the SIONlib format (history.sion file). For comparison
purposes, the standard HISTORY* files can be also written at the same time,
using the -D STDTRAJ
flag for compilation in Makefile-MPI
To be able to use SIONlib, the writing statements for which the records are formed by inhomogeneous items (e.g., two 8-byte strings and a 4-byte integer) have to be split into different records, hence the increased number of write/read statements. To help the reader, comments have been added to label all the SIONlib-related commands, namely: “SIONlib 0, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, …, 2p, 3”. The writing statements are labelled “2a, 2b, etc”, and each one corresponds to the writing of single record in the standard version of DL_MESO_DPD. The SIONlib file definition, opening and closing statements have been labelled 0, 1 and 3 in the comments.
Important SIONlib variables:
: file system block size in bytes. If set to -1, it is read by SIONlib. (Typically, this value is 4096.)chunksize
: size in bytes of the data written by a task in a single write call. It is internally increased by SIONlib to the next multiple of the filesystem block size. (For DL_MESO_DPD, the largest record has size 80 bytes, hence we choose chunksize = 100, which, typically, will be internally increased to 4096.)nfiles
: number of physical files produced by SIONlib (set to 1 here).
We are very grateful to Dr. Wolfgang Frings for kind support concerning the usage of the Fortran version of SIONlib.
[1] | If patching is done with GNU patch command, the -l option (ignoring whitespaces) has to be active. |
[2] | On CCPForge, a software development framework where, in particular, the different versions of DL_MESO_DPD are stored, version 2.6 in its revision 15 corresponds to the commit number 48e9a42a51f4cb450eb9c39dcbf6eb4a38c7cd32. |