Add ELPA easyblock to EasyBuild

EasyBuild is used by a number of large HPC sites and integrating targeted support for ELPA ensures that those sites use optimally built versions of ELPA.

Purpose of Module

Automate the selection of appropriate configuration flags for ELPA within EasyBuild depending on the type of CPU and available features. Include additional options as appropriate. Build single and double precision versions of ELPA and also ensure it is linked against the expected version of the linear algebra libraries.

Background Information

EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way. Full details on can be found in the EasyBuild documentation.

EasyBuild already had limited support for ELPA, this module allows for automated hardware specific configuration and optimisations.

Building and Testing

To build the software requires EasyBuild (see installation instructions for EasyBuild here) and an example build command would be:

eb ELPA-2018.11.001-intel-2019a.eb